Monday, July 26, 2010

Amritsar and Pakistan Border

I'm Back in Dharamsala! This weekend was nothing short of epic and I will hold all the memories very close to my heart.

On Friday evening I spent the nigh at Khadija's hostel which was located on top of a monastery. We spied on the young monks in the courtyard for an hour while they playfully debated and chanted. Around 10pm we attempted to fall asleep and get some rest for our long journey but miserably failed and talked/vented about life and how we arrived in Dharamsala until 4:15am, when Allison came knocking on our door asking if we were ready to leave. This is how the adventure began, no sleep and only peanut butter sandwhiches fueling our youthful spirits.

We finally arrived in Amritsar around 10:30am and took a tuk tuk to the Golden Temple. Words can't begin to describe how beautiful and breathtaking the entire cite was, let alone the Temple itself. If you click the following link you will be directed to an photo album I made of Amritsar on facebook::

There are also some pictures of the Indian/Pakistani border ceremony (yes I was at the Pakistani border). The ceremony was intended to build good relations between the two countries, however it seemed as though both sides attempted to out-due eachother with nationalistic marches, chants, and music. BUT the Indian women saved the performance by running barefoot to the border with Indian flags swaying in heat (not wind). There was also a portion where all the women went to the center of the stage and danced so freely and carelessly. My eyes were hypnotized with the vibrant colors of saris and smiles that accompanied I snuck past the Indian guards with Allison and joined the festivities. We danced in the 100degree weather for 45 minutes then were escorted back to our tourist seats. At the conclusion of the ceremony both Pakistan and India opened its closed gates and lowered their nation's flags. This action was intended to be a symbol of respect and peace between both states but this is debatable.

That night we slept in the Golden Temple and it was absolutely stunning. The Temple NEVER sleeps and neither does its devoted followers. It was also amazing to wake up in the morning and wash with the Indian women under the sun.

Sorry can't go into further detail...this experience was simply overwhelming and I'm still digesting thee adventure, PLUS I have limited internet access. Peace :)

1 comment:

  1. MM sounds amazing. Everything but the heat. You look beautiful also, you and your MC Hammer pants. Stunning.
