Friday, July 2, 2010

I'm in New Delhi

That's right ladies and gentlemen, I have arrived in the motherland and struck gold with the travel agency that has been assisting me with my travels. If anyone is ever in need of assistance when traveling in India please use Earthlinks Travel Agency and ask for Thupten (tell him Jazzmin sent you). This agency helped me locate a taxi, book a cheap/nice hotel room & plane ticket to Dharamshala, and gave me own personal tour of Delhi at no extra cost! We visited a bazaar today and I will post pics up later.

Ok got to go have an early flight out to Dharamshala. Much love everyone. Night (well goodmorning to you).


  1. Congrats! How was the flight there? Excited much?

  2. ahhhh im excited for jew!!! much love n god bless hermana-mia!!! <3

  3. I am so Proud of you!!!! Meija remember to Breathe.

  4. hey gurl its sidney waymire..david and hannah are here at my place visiting for the fourth of july and they suggested i check out your blog! its so exciting you get to do all of these things! talk to you soon!!! :)
