Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Oh Bagstsu

Last night a couple of the interns and I went to Bagstsu for dinner. Let me provide a mental image of this oasis. When first entering the Isralei/Mexican/Indian/American restaurant, you notice that it’s not your traditional Dharamsala restaurant where the monks roam. Instead, the demographic consists of Isralei’s, hippies, and us (TWA interns), so it somewhat felt like home (San Francisco/Berkeley) and I got all warm and fuzzy inside. You take off your shoes before entering the lounge area and plop down on the comfy cushions near the low tables. The lighting is dim, windows wide open and there is a small movie screen showing 7 pounds (with Will Smith) on the wall. Everyone seems to be in their individual worlds, playing chess/checkers, enjoying life and doing things considered illegal in the states. Ha. Then the menu comes and you’re overwhelmed by all the options. I had the hummus and fruit which was AMAZING and fresh. However as soon as my stomach began to digest the deliciousness, the aches and nausea began to kick in again. At that moment I came to terms with the fact that there is a living and angry parasite in my belly causing a raucous. As a result I’m fasting the entire day to minimize the aches/pains and will go the Tibetan “miracle doctor” tomorrow. He’s world renown for curing any ailments with natural remedies and served under His Holiness for many many years.

If anyone wants natural medicine let me know :)

1 comment:

  1. sorry i just know tons to bring on the runs hun...haha not stop em! god bless ur stomach n butthole haha
