Friday, July 9, 2010

Pinch me please.

So today I was apparently appointed as "Advisor" of TWA's microfinance department. Attached with this title comes the responsibility of educating all of the TWA staff on microfinance, assisting with the creation of their MFI model, and a trip to West India in late July to observe SEVA's ( micofinance operation. Over the years multiple organizations have suggested to TWA that they should initiate a micro-credit service, however there has not been sufficient knowledge or data about the subject. Last month H.H. the Dalai Lama personally requested that TWA begin a micro-credit service, so now TWA has no choice but to respect his wishes and take on this large feat. Ironically, I have some very basic knowledge of the subject (aka I've taken a couple courses at CAL and written a few research papers), but Dhardon-La feels as though I'm qualified to be labeled a specialist and advisor for the task. I'm almost in tears of excitement and fear at the moment.... I've also been given the task of launching their new merchandise line which will include t-shirts, purses, sweatshirts, and pins that have environmental slogans about Tibet (i.e. No Dams for Nomads, Save the Tibetan Plateau, etc). All proceeds will benefit the expansion of SOT and everyone get your Visas ready :)

Oh, I also went for a run in the Himalayans again but went a bit further this time. On my way back I met an older monk named Tenzin-SukLan and walked/talked with him for a bit...I LOVE Dharamsala.


  1. My Love "You Got This!!!". OMGosh clothing line, Sweet, "They have No Idea"
    Miss. Fashionista, Innovator,!!!!! Go with your Heart but use your head with the Business sense!!!! I have always Known God was preparing and still is for somthing beyond our Comprehension!!! We are Soooo Proud of You!!!

  2. =] What city will you be traveling to? So does this mean we all have to call you "adviser?" PS. I guess i havent been finishing my comments because i didnt know i had to copy a word to post it. All the comments i posted never showed up? hahaa

  3. Jazz way to go.. stay in the moment.. We are all so very proud of you. Dallas is here with me & She says "she loves you" I know who is guding your thoughts & heart so keep the faith & stay trus to your core.. love ya stay cool but don't freeze.. JC
