Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Last Day in Dharamsala

And its a wrap everyone. I'm officially leaving the wonderful Tibetan refugee community nestled in the Himalayans :( However, I will be embarking on an extremely busy trip throughout India within the next week and I'm anticipating the adventure. To top things off I just briefed myself a bit more on Ela Bhatt (founder of SEWA) and found out that she is best friends with Nelson Mandela, serves on the "The Elders" with Muhummad Yunus, Archbishop Tutu, and Jimmy Carter..just to name a few, AND received her doctorates from Harvard. Life just got REAL.

Ahhhh....don't have time to write I'm doing last minute briefing. Send good vibes please. Nervous.


  1. awwww love it!! praying/sending good vibes!! <3

  2. Sending you good vibes beautiful woman. You are amazing. Be safe. Enjoy India! xoxo
