Thursday, July 22, 2010

Truth Corner

I'm currently crafting TWA's official microfinance proposal that will be presented to SEWA's president Ella Bahat, whom I might add is India's leading woman in microfinance. Intimidating much? (no not at all....ahhh). She will be critquing the proposed model and offering up suggestions for a successful MFI, however since I'm the only person in TWA who knows anything about anything when it comes to microfinance, it's pretty much only my ideas and opinions that will be reviewed. To be completely honest, before coming to Dharamsala I thought I was simply going to observe a microfinance organization and decide if I was in favor or against the concept of microfinance. Since an MFI encourages capitalism and commercialization--rather than preservation-- of a culture (i.e. being taught how to make chile in order to simply sell it--making it a chore, a daily activity to produce an income rather than a time to share with your family or understand one's culture), I was leaning more towards hell NO. Yes, I know it's an idealistic/Berkeley perspective but I still stand firm on my stance and will defend it in a heartbeat (I think..). However, here I am now, crafting an official proposal in FAVOR of microfinance and swallowing my ideals. But I don't feel too bad...this will after all help Tibetan women refugees become economically independent in a patriarchal society. Viva la vulva.

It's going to be a longggggg night. Proposal is due tomorrow.

sending all my love to you all.


  1. You should call Natalie Portman. =] My comments are showing up?
    Hmm I love you. Your doing amazing things.

  2. you truly are!! ahhh im soo proud of u!! <3
