Saturday, July 17, 2010

On a lighter note...

Today I learned 3 new things...

1.) I will officially be traveling in India on business in Late July! Woebum and I will be going to Ahemdabad, India to visit SEWA's central office and observe their operations. This will be the first time that TWA is visiting an MFI and will be using its experiences with SEWA as a reference when creating its unique MFI model. In preparation for our journey, Woebum and I are are currently surveying women in Dharamsala and asking them what they would want to see implemented in an MFI, this way we can tailor the program to their needs . We are also surveying men and participants in the S.O.T. program to get a better perspective about a woman's role in a refugee society (for research purposes). Perhaps with all this data, TWA can craft an MFI operation that will ease the transition for newly arrived Tibetan women into Dharamsala (because it's quite intimidating here with limited resources), and empower them to become active participants in the struggle for freedom against the Chinese.

Our journey will last for 7 days: 2 in Delhi-- where we will be visiting various Environmental NGOs and campaigning for a famous Tibetan environmentalist to be released from prison in Hong Kong-- 3 days in Ahemdabad and 2 days traveling on bus and train. The day our mission is completed is the day I leave for thee states. Everything always works out perfectly and I'm excited for the adventure.

2.) Update on the illness. A majority of you know that I am in LOVE with the Peace Cafe in San Francisco...well I found one here in Dharamsala!!! Since I can't really eat anything solid, I've been living off of the porridge here at the Peace Cafe and its AMAZZZING. LOVE LOVE LOVE.

3.) Food for thought. I met a musician yesterday named Karma (perfect name for the lesson I'm about to tell), and he shared with me the following: if you want to know your past then look at your present because that is a reflection of how you were in your past. If you would like to know your future than look at your present because this will determine the karma for your future. Got that?

Tashi Dalek. mwah.

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